Safety Training Resources

Safety Training Material available at the following websites that are used by many of our clients:
J.J. Keller or call 1-877-564-2333 for their customer service
This website offers training videos, online training, recordkeeping, Specialized training, and other training programs.
National Safety Council or call (800) 621-7615
This website will introduce you to their safety training programs offered safety training, advanced training, OSHA compliance training, Emergency Preparedness training, and even training your safety instructor.
This website offers the federal regulations for your industry as well as training information that will help you with your safety training. Many businesses like this site because all of their training material can be downloaded as no cost.
There are several safety organizations that will come in and help you put together a safety program that will assist you with your needs. Associated Insurance Administrators can not recommend one of these programs above the others, but we offer this information because each of them has been reported as providing great results to our clients.
Bonner Safety in Saraland, Alabama or call (251) 675-5903
They can talk to you about your training needs and schedule an on-site inspection to design a safety program for your industry.
Safe States located at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama or call (855) 517-3347
If you have one that is not on our list that has helped your business, please pass the information along and we will add it to our list of options for our other clients.